Introducing Café Blinds ®

Industry leader in supplies, manufacture and repairs.

Request a call back  has recently introduced Café blinds to its range of products under authority of Cafe Blinds South Africa. The fabric utilized is a high-quality marine vinyl and creates a very modern, unique and open feeling on your patio area. Cafe blinds are very popular in Australia and are very effective in keeping rain, cold and dust out.

    IMPORTANT READ: Some companies are trying to imitate this product calling their blinds (all clear blinds, max clear , clear PVC blinds etc…) Please note these companies are not affiliated to Café blinds SA, we advise you to visit their showrooms and view, test their finished product.

    The Advantages Of Café Blinds®

    • Clear and tinted marine-grade PVC options
    • Manual crank, motorised, or rope/zipper options available
    • Slidetrak side guide channel system can be added to these blinds
    • Cable system guide also available

    Call 087 135 3037 for a quote

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